Astro Pi „Carmen Sylva”


Astro Pi „Carmen Sylva”

O echipa formata din elevi de la clasa a 9-a A, profil matematica-informatica, a fost acceptata intr-un nou proiect al Agentiei spatiale europene (ESA).

Astro Pi Chalange este un proiect in care echipe de elevi vor programa microcontrolere Raspberry Pi dotate cu un sistem de senzori astfel incat, dispozitivele sa execute misiuni la bordul Statiei Spatiale Internationale. In competitie in aceasta faza au fost selectate 350 de echipe din 15 tari europene. Pana pe 28 febrauarie, echipele trebuie sa programeze dispozitivele Raspberry Pi pentru realizarea a doua misiuni: misiunea primara, detectarea unei persoane care lucreaza in pe ISS si misiunea secundara care poate fi decisa de fiecare echipa. Din fiecare tara vor fi selectate 5 echipe care vor intra in cea de a 3-a faza a proiectului. Codurile scrise de aceste echipe vor rula pe 2 computere aflate la bordul ISS. Fiecare echipa selectata va primi de la ESA un kit Raspberry Pi cu un sistem de senzori.

Echipa Astro Pi Carmen Sylva este formata din elevii: Cristiana Savuca, Mihaela Frunza, Carmen Vasile, Denis Sait, Stefan Baloiu, Valentin Dibla.

Coordonarea echipei va fi facuta de profesorii: Alina Cotitu si Florin Serbu.

Iata scrisoarea primita de la echipa de coordonare a proiectului de la Agentia Spatiala Europeana (ESA).

Dear Carmen Sylva Astro Pi,

Congratulations! You have been selected for Phase 2 of the European Astro Pi Challenge!

In this second phase, which will take place between 25 November 2016 and 28 February 2017, teams will be given two mission challenges:  a primary mission that will require them to design a solution for a specific task assigned by ESA astronaut Thomas Pesquet, and a secondary mission in which teams will need to come up with their own ideas for a scientific investigation.
To achieve the objectives of their mission, teams will use  Astro Pi.  In order to do that, all selected teams will receive an ESA-branded Astro Pi kit. Please note that the kits will be sent to the addresses indicated in the registration form that you already submitted, and will arrive in the next few days.

The best codes will be selected for Phase 3 and will be run on Astro Pi Ed on the International Space Station!
The guidelines for Phase 2, as well as for the missions, have been published here. Read them carefully, and if you have any questions please send an email to [email protected] . For technical questions regarding Astro Pi, please check the FAQ section in the Astro Pi website as well as the Astro Pi forums. If you can’t find the answer you’re looking for, please send an email to [email protected]

Good luck!

Kind Regards,
ESA’s Education Team


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